n 1: type genus of the Sittidae [syn: Sitta, genus Sitta]
podobné slovodefinícia
order psittaciformes
order Psittaciformes, n:
psittacosaur, n:
psittacosaurus, n:
psittacosis,psitakóza n: Zdeněk Brož
Calopsitta Novae-Hollandiae
cockatiel \cock"a*tiel\, Cockateel \Cock"a*teel\, n. (Zool.)
A small gray and white Australian parrot ({Leptolophus
hollandicus}, formerly Calopsitta Nov[ae]-Hollandi[ae])
with a prominent crest; the male has bright yellow cheeks and
crest, but the female has only a pale yellow in the face; --
it is so called from its note.

Syn: cockateel, cockatoo parrot, Nymphicus hollandicus.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus
Paroquet \Par"o*quet`\, n. [F. perroquet, or Sp. periquito; both
prob. orig. meaning, little Peter. See Parrot.] (Zool.)
Same as Parrakeet. [Written also paroket, parroquet,
and perroquet.]
[1913 Webster]

Paroquet auk or Paroquet auklet (Zool.), a small auk
(Cyclorrhynchus psittaculus) inhabiting the coast and
islands of Alaska. The upper parts are dark slate, under
parts white, bill orange red. Called also perroquet auk.
[1913 Webster]
Glossopsitta australis
Musk \Musk\ (m[u^]sk), n. [F. musc, L. muscus, Per. musk, fr.
Skr. mushka testicle, orig., a little mouse. See Mouse, and
cd. Abelmosk, Muscadel, Muscovy duck, Nutmeg.]
1. A substance of a reddish brown color, and when fresh of
the consistency of honey, obtained from a bag being behind
the navel of the male musk deer. It has a slightly bitter
taste, but is specially remarkable for its powerful and
enduring odor. It is used in medicine as a stimulant
antispasmodic. The term is also applied to secretions of
various other animals, having a similar odor.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The musk deer. See Musk deer (below).
[1913 Webster]

3. The perfume emitted by musk, or any perfume somewhat
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) The musk plant (Mimulus moschatus).
(b) A plant of the genus Erodium (Erodium moschatum);
-- called also musky heron's-bill.
(c) A plant of the genus Muscari; grape hyacinth.
[1913 Webster]

Musk beaver (Zool.), muskrat (1).

Musk beetle (Zool.), a European longicorn beetle ({Aromia
moschata}), having an agreeable odor resembling that of
attar of roses.

Musk cat. See Bondar.

Musk cattle (Zool.), musk oxen. See Musk ox (below).

Musk deer (Zool.), a small hornless deer ({Moschus
moschiferus}), which inhabits the elevated parts of
Central Asia. The upper canine teeth of the male are
developed into sharp tusks, curved downward. The male has
scent bags on the belly, from which the musk of commerce
is derived. The deer is yellow or red-brown above, whitish
below. The pygmy musk deer are chevrotains, as the kanchil
and napu.

Musk duck. (Zool.)
(a) The Muscovy duck.
(b) An Australian duck (Biziura lobata).

Musk lorikeet (Zool.), the Pacific lorikeet ({Glossopsitta
australis}) of Australia.

Musk mallow (Bot.), a name of two malvaceous plants:
(a) A species of mallow (Malva moschata), the foliage of
which has a faint musky smell.
(b) An Asiatic shrub. See Abelmosk.

Musk orchis (Bot.), a European plant of the Orchis family
(Herminium Minorchis); -- so called from its peculiar

Musk ox (Zool.), an Arctic hollow-horned ruminant ({Ovibos
moschatus}), now existing only in America, but found
fossil in Europe and Asia. It is covered with a thick coat
of fine yellowish wool, and with long dark hair, which is
abundant and shaggy on the neck and shoulders. The
full-grown male weighs over four hundred pounds.

Musk parakeet. (Zool.) Same as Musk lorikeet (above).

Musk pear (Bot.), a fragrant kind of pear much resembling
the Seckel pear.

Musk plant (Bot.), the Mimulus moschatus, a plant found
in Western North America, often cultivated, and having a
strong musky odor.

Musk root (Bot.), the name of several roots with a strong
odor, as that of the nard (Nardostachys Jatamansi) and
of a species of Angelica.

Musk rose (Bot.), a species of rose (Rosa moschata),
having peculiarly fragrant white blossoms.

Musk seed (Bot.), the seed of a plant of the Mallow family
(Hibiscus moschatus), used in perfumery and in
flavoring. See Abelmosk.

Musk sheep (Zool.), the musk ox.

Musk shrew (Zool.), a shrew (Sorex murinus), found in
India. It has a powerful odor of musk. Called also
sondeli, and mondjourou.

Musk thistle (Bot.), a species of thistle ({Carduus
nutans}), having fine large flowers, and leaves smelling
strongly of musk.

Musk tortoise, Musk turtle (Zool.), a small American
fresh-water tortoise (Armochelys odorata syn. {Ozotheca
odorata}), which has a distinct odor of musk; -- called
also stinkpot.
[1913 Webster]
Melopsittacus undulatus
lovebird \lovebird\ n.
A small Australian parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus)
usually light green with black and yellow markings in the
wild but bred in many colors; also called the budgie.

Syn: budgerigar, budgereegah, budgerygah, budgie, grass
parakeet, shell parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. small African parrot noted for showing affection for their
[WordNet 1.5]budgerigar \budg"er*i*gar\, budgereegah \budgereegah\,
budgerygah \budgerygah\n.
small Australian parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus) usually
light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but
bred in many colors.

Syn: budgie, grass parakeet, lovebird, shell parakeet.
[WordNet 1.5]budgie \budg"ie\ n.
small Australian parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus) usually
light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but
bred in many colors.

Syn: budgerigar, budgereegah, budgerygah, grass parakeet,
lovebird, shell parakeet.
[WordNet 1.5]
Psittaceous \Psit*ta"ceous\, Psittacid \Psit"ta*cid\, a. [L.
psittacus a parrot, Gr. ?: cf. F. psittacide.] (Zool.)
Of or pertaining to the parrots, or the Psittaci. -- n. One
of the Psittaci.
[1913 Webster]
Psittaci \Psit"ta*ci\, n. pl. [NL.] (Zool.)
The order of birds which comprises the parrots.
[1913 Webster]
Psittaceous \Psit*ta"ceous\, Psittacid \Psit"ta*cid\, a. [L.
psittacus a parrot, Gr. ?: cf. F. psittacide.] (Zool.)
Of or pertaining to the parrots, or the Psittaci. -- n. One
of the Psittaci.
[1913 Webster]
Psitta-co-fulvine \Psit`ta-co-ful"*vine\, n. [Gr. ? a parrot +
L. fulvus yellow.]
A yellow pigment found in the feathers of certain parrots.
[1913 Webster]
Psittacus erithacus
Gray \Gray\ (gr[=a]), a. [Compar. Grayer; superl. Grayest.]
[OE. gray, grey, AS. gr[=ae]g, gr[=e]g; akin to D. graauw,
OHG. gr[=a]o, G. grau, Dan. graa, Sw. gr[*a], Icel. gr[=a]r.]
[Written also grey.]
1. any color of neutral hue between white and black; white
mixed with black, as the color of pepper and salt, or of
ashes, or of hair whitened by age; sometimes, a dark mixed
color; as, the soft gray eye of a dove.
[1913 Webster]

These gray and dun colors may be also produced by
mixing whites and blacks. --Sir I.
[1913 Webster]

2. Gray-haired; gray-headed; of a gray color; hoary.
[1913 Webster]

3. Old; mature; as, gray experience. -- Ames.
[1913 Webster]

4. gloomy; dismal.

Gray antimony (Min.), stibnite.

Gray buck (Zool.), the chickara.

Gray cobalt (Min.), smaltite.

Gray copper (Min.), tetrahedrite.

Gray duck (Zool.), the gadwall; also applied to the female

Gray falcon (Zool.) the peregrine falcon.

Gray Friar. See Franciscan, and Friar.

Gray hen (Zool.), the female of the blackcock or black
grouse. See Heath grouse.

Gray mill or Gray millet (Bot.), a name of several plants
of the genus Lithospermum; gromwell.

Gray mullet (Zool.) any one of the numerous species of the
genus Mugil, or family Mugilid[ae], found both in the
Old World and America; as the European species
(Mugilid[ae] capito, and Mugilid[ae] auratus), the
American striped mullet (Mugilid[ae] albula), and the
white or silver mullet (Mugilid[ae] Braziliensis). See

Gray owl (Zool.), the European tawny or brown owl ({Syrnium
aluco}). The great gray owl (Ulula cinerea) inhabits
arctic America.

Gray parrot (Zool.), an African parrot ({Psittacus
erithacus}), very commonly domesticated, and noted for its
aptness in learning to talk. Also called jako.

Gray pike. (Zool.) See Sauger.

Gray snapper (Zool.), a Florida fish; the sea lawyer. See

Gray snipe (Zool.), the dowitcher in winter plumage.

Gray whale (Zool.), a rather large and swift whale of the
northern Pacific (Eschrichtius robustus, formerly
Rhachianectes glaucus), having short jaws and no dorsal
fin. It grows to a length of 50 feet (someimes 60 feet).
It was formerly taken in large numbers in the bays of
California, and is now rare; -- called also grayback,
devilfish, and hardhead. It lives up to 50 or 60 years
and adults weigh from 20 to 40 tons.
[1913 Webster]Parrot \Par"rot\ (p[a^]r"r[u^]t), n. [Prob. fr. F. Pierrot, dim.
of Pierre Peter. F. pierrot is also the name of the sparrow.
Cf. Paroquet, Petrel, Petrify.]
1. (Zool.) In a general sense, any bird of the order
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any species of Psittacus, Chrysotis, Pionus,
and other genera of the family Psittacid[ae], as
distinguished from the parrakeets, macaws, and lories.
They have a short rounded or even tail, and often a naked
space on the cheeks. The gray parrot, or jako ({Psittacus
erithacus}) of Africa (see Jako), and the species of
Amazon, or green, parrots (Chrysotis) of America, are
examples. Many species, as cage birds, readily learn to
imitate sounds, and to repeat words and phrases.
[1913 Webster]

Carolina parrot (Zool.), the Carolina parrakeet. See

Night parrot, or Owl parrot. (Zool.) See Kakapo.

Parrot coal, cannel coal; -- so called from the crackling
and chattering sound it makes in burning. [Eng. & Scot.]

Parrot green. (Chem.) See Scheele's green, under Green,

Parrot weed (Bot.), a suffrutescent plant ({Bocconia
frutescens}) of the Poppy family, native of the warmer
parts of America. It has very large, sinuate, pinnatifid
leaves, and small, panicled, apetalous flowers.

Parrot wrasse, Parrot fish (Zool.), any fish of the genus
Scarus. One species (Scarus Cretensis), found in the
Mediterranean, is esteemed by epicures, and was highly
prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
[1913 Webster]Jako \Jak"o\ (j[a^]k"[-o]), n. (Zool.)
An African parrot (Psittacus erithacus), very commonly kept
as a cage bird; -- called also gray parrot.
[1913 Webster]
Sarracenia psittacina
Sarracenia \Sar`ra*ce"ni*a\, prop. n. [NL. So named after a Dr.
Sarrazin of Quebec.] (Bot.)
A genus of American perennial herbs growing in bogs; the
American pitcher plant.
[1913 Webster]

Note: They have hollow pitcher-shaped or tubular leaves, and
solitary flowers with an umbrella-shaped style.
Sarracenia purpurea, the sidesaddle flower, is common
at the North; Sarracenia flava, Sarracenia rubra,
Sarracenia Drummondii, Sarracenia variolaris, and
Sarracenia psittacina are Southern species. All are
insectivorous, catching and drowning insects in their
curious leaves. See Illust. of Sidesaddle flower,
under Sidesaddle.
[1913 Webster] Sarrasin
Sitta Canadensis
Nuthatch \Nut"hatch`\, n. [OE. nuthake. See 2d Hack.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of birds of the genus Sitta, as
the European species (Sitta Europaea). The {white-breasted
nuthatch} (Sitta Carolinensis), the red-breasted nuthatch
(Sitta Canadensis), the pygmy nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea),
and others, are American.
[1913 Webster]
Sitta Carolinensis
Nuthatch \Nut"hatch`\, n. [OE. nuthake. See 2d Hack.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of birds of the genus Sitta, as
the European species (Sitta Europaea). The {white-breasted
nuthatch} (Sitta Carolinensis), the red-breasted nuthatch
(Sitta Canadensis), the pygmy nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea),
and others, are American.
[1913 Webster]
Sitta Europaea
Nuthatch \Nut"hatch`\, n. [OE. nuthake. See 2d Hack.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of birds of the genus Sitta, as
the European species (Sitta Europaea). The {white-breasted
nuthatch} (Sitta Carolinensis), the red-breasted nuthatch
(Sitta Canadensis), the pygmy nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea),
and others, are American.
[1913 Webster]
Sitta pygmaea
Nuthatch \Nut"hatch`\, n. [OE. nuthake. See 2d Hack.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of birds of the genus Sitta, as
the European species (Sitta Europaea). The {white-breasted
nuthatch} (Sitta Carolinensis), the red-breasted nuthatch
(Sitta Canadensis), the pygmy nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea),
and others, are American.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a genus of Xenicidae [syn: Acanthisitta, {genus
acanthisitta chloris
Acanthisitta chloris
n 1: small green-and-bronze bird [syn: rifleman bird,
Acanthisitta chloris]
c. psittaci
C. psittaci
n 1: bacteria responsible for the sexually transmitted disease
chlamydia [syn: Chlamydia psittaci, C. psittaci]
chlamydia psittaci
Chlamydia psittaci
n 1: bacteria responsible for the sexually transmitted disease
chlamydia [syn: Chlamydia psittaci, C. psittaci]
family psittacidae
family Psittacidae
n 1: coextensive with the order Psittaciformes [syn:
Psittacidae, family Psittacidae]
genus acanthisitta
genus Acanthisitta
n 1: a genus of Xenicidae [syn: Acanthisitta, {genus
genus glossopsitta
genus Glossopsitta
n 1: a genus of Loriinae [syn: Glossopsitta, {genus
genus melopsittacus
genus Melopsittacus
n 1: a genus of Psittacidae [syn: Melopsittacus, {genus
genus psittacosaurus
genus Psittacosaurus
n 1: most primitive genus of horned dinosaurs; early Cretaceous
genus psittacula
genus Psittacula
n 1: a genus of Psittacidae [syn: Psittacula, {genus
genus psittacus
genus Psittacus
n 1: type genus of the Psittacidae: usually restricted to the
African grey [syn: Psittacus, genus Psittacus]
genus sitta
genus Sitta
n 1: type genus of the Sittidae [syn: Sitta, genus Sitta]
n 1: a genus of Loriinae [syn: Glossopsitta, {genus
glossopsitta versicolor
Glossopsitta versicolor
n 1: lorikeet with a colorful coat [syn: varied Lorikeet,
Glossopsitta versicolor]
n 1: a genus of Psittacidae [syn: Melopsittacus, {genus
melopsittacus undulatus
Melopsittacus undulatus
n 1: small Australian parakeet usually light green with black
and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
[syn: budgerigar, budgereegah, budgerygah, budgie,
grass parakeet, lovebird, shell parakeet,
Melopsittacus undulatus]
order psittaciformes
order Psittaciformes
n 1: an order of birds including parrots and amazons and
cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets
[syn: Psittaciformes, order Psittaciformes]
n 1: coextensive with the order Psittaciformes [syn:
Psittacidae, family Psittacidae]
n 1: an order of birds including parrots and amazons and
cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets
[syn: Psittaciformes, order Psittaciformes]
n 1: primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only
the beginning of a frill; long hind limbs and short
forelimbs; may have been bipedal [syn: psittacosaur,
n 1: primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only
the beginning of a frill; long hind limbs and short
forelimbs; may have been bipedal [syn: psittacosaur,
n 1: infectious disease of birds [syn: psittacosis, {parrot
2: an atypical pneumonia caused by a rickettsia microorganism
and transmitted to humans from infected birds [syn:
psittacosis, parrot fever, ornithosis]
n 1: a genus of Psittacidae [syn: Psittacula, {genus
psittacula krameri
Psittacula krameri
n 1: African parakeet [syn: ring-necked parakeet, {Psittacula
n 1: type genus of the Psittacidae: usually restricted to the
African grey [syn: Psittacus, genus Psittacus]
psittacus erithacus
Psittacus erithacus
n 1: commonly domesticated grey parrot with red-and-black tail
and white face; native to equatorial Africa [syn: {African
grey}, African gray, Psittacus erithacus]
n 1: type genus of the Sittidae [syn: Sitta, genus Sitta]
sitta canadensis
Sitta canadensis
n 1: bluish-grey nuthatch with reddish breast; of northern
coniferous forests [syn: red-breasted nuthatch, {Sitta
sitta carolinensis
Sitta carolinensis
n 1: bluish-grey nuthatch with black head and white breast; of
eastern North America [syn: white-breasted nuthatch,
Sitta carolinensis]
sitta europaea
Sitta europaea
n 1: a kind of nuthatch [syn: European nuthatch, {Sitta

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