dioxide,dioxid n: Zdeněk Brož
dioxide,oxid se dvěma atomy kyslíku Zdeněk Brož
Deutoxide \Deu*tox"ide\ (?; 104), n. [Pref. deut- + oxide.]
A compound containing in the molecule two atoms of oxygen
united with some other element or radical; -- usually called
dioxide, or less frequently, binoxide.
[1913 Webster]
Dioxide \Di*ox"ide\ (?; 104), n. [Pref. di- + oxide.] (Chem.)
(a) An oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in each molecule;
(b) An oxide containing but one atom or equivalent of oxygen
to two of a metal; a suboxide. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Carbon dioxide. See Carbonic acid, under Carbonic.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in the molecule
podobné slovodefinícia
carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide,oxid uhličitý [chem.] Jiří Šmoldas
carbon dioxide acidosis
carbon dioxide acidosis, n:
chlorine dioxide
chlorine dioxide, n:
nitrogen dioxide
nitrogen dioxide, n:
silicon dioxide
silicon dioxide, n:
sulfur dioxide
sulfur dioxide,oxid siřičitý Zdeněk Brož
sulphur dioxide
sulphur dioxide,kysličník siřičitý n: [chem.] mamm
titanium dioxide
titanium dioxide, n:
zirconium dioxide
zirconium dioxide, n:
Carbon dioxide
Dioxide \Di*ox"ide\ (?; 104), n. [Pref. di- + oxide.] (Chem.)
(a) An oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in each molecule;
(b) An oxide containing but one atom or equivalent of oxygen
to two of a metal; a suboxide. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Carbon dioxide. See Carbonic acid, under Carbonic.
[1913 Webster]Carbon \Car"bon\ (k[aum]r"b[o^]n), n. [F. carbone, fr. L. carbo
coal; cf. Skr. [,c]r[=a] to cook.] (Chem.)
1. An elementary substance, not metallic in its nature, which
is present in all organic compounds. Atomic weight 11.97.
Symbol C. it is combustible, and forms the base of
lampblack and charcoal, and enters largely into mineral
coals. In its pure crystallized state it constitutes the
diamond, the hardest of known substances, occuring in
monometric crystals like the octahedron, etc. Another
modification is graphite, or blacklead, and in this it is
soft, and occurs in hexagonal prisms or tables. When
united with oxygen it forms carbon dioxide, commonly
called carbonic acid, or carbonic oxide, according to the
proportions of the oxygen; when united with hydrogen, it
forms various compounds called hydrocarbons. Compare
Diamond, and Graphite.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Elec.) A carbon rod or pencil used in an arc lamp; also,
a plate or piece of carbon used as one of the elements of
a voltaic battery.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. a sheet of carbon paper.

4. a carbon copy.

Carbon compounds, Compounds of carbon (Chem.), those
compounds consisting largely of carbon, commonly produced
by animals and plants, and hence called organic compounds,
though their synthesis may be effected in many cases in
the laboratory.
[1913 Webster]

The formation of the compounds of carbon is not
dependent upon the life process. --I. Remsen

carbon copy, originally, a copy of a document made by use
of a carbon paper, but now used generally to refer to
any copy of a document made by a mechanical process, such
as xerographic copying.

Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide. (Chem.) See under

Carbon light (Elec.), an extremely brilliant electric light
produced by passing a galvanic current through two carbon
points kept constantly with their apexes neary in contact.

Carbon point (Elec.), a small cylinder or bit of gas carbon
moved forward by clockwork so that, as it is burned away
by the electric current, it shall constantly maintain its
proper relation to the opposing point.

Carbon paper, a thin type of paper coated with a
dark-colored waxy substance which can be transferred to
another sheet of paper underneath it by pressing on the
carbon paper. It is used by placing a sheet between two
sheets of ordinary writing paper, and then writing or
typing on the top sheet, by which process a copy of the
writing or typing is transferred to the second sheet
below, making a copy without the need for writing or
typing a second time. Multiple sheets may be used, with a
carbon paper placed above each plain paper to which an
impression is to be transferred. In 1997 such paper was
still used, particularly to make multiple copies of
filled-in purchase invoice forms, but in most applications
this technique has been superseded by the more faithful
xerographic reproduction and computerized printing

Carbon tissue, paper coated with gelatine and pigment, used
in the autotype process of photography. --Abney.

Gas carbon, a compact variety of carbon obtained as an
incrustation on the interior of gas retorts, and used for
the manufacture of the carbon rods of pencils for the
voltaic, arc, and for the plates of voltaic batteries,
[1913 Webster]Carbonic \Car*bon"ic\, a. [Cf. F. carbonique. See Carbon.]
Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, carbon; as, carbonic
[1913 Webster]

Carbonic acid (Chem.), an acid HO.CO.OH, not existing
separately, which, combined with positive or basic atoms
or radicals, forms carbonates. In common language the term
is very generally applied to a compound of carbon and
oxygen, CO2, more correctly called carbon dioxide. It
is a colorless, heavy, irrespirable gas, extinguishing
flame, and when breathed destroys life. It can be reduced
to a liquid and solid form by intense pressure. It is
produced in the fermentation of liquors, and by the
combustion and decomposition of organic substances, or
other substances containing carbon. It is formed in the
explosion of fire damp in mines, and is hence called
after damp; it is also know as choke damp, and
mephitic air. Water will absorb its own volume of it,
and more than this under pressure, and in this state
becomes the common soda water of the shops, and the
carbonated water of natural springs. Combined with lime it
constitutes limestone, or common marble and chalk. Plants
imbibe it for their nutrition and growth, the carbon being
retained and the oxygen given out.

Carbonic oxide (Chem.), a colorless gas, CO, of a light
odor, called more correctly carbon monoxide. It is
almost the only definitely known compound in which carbon
seems to be divalent. It is a product of the incomplete
combustion of carbon, and is an abundant constituent of
water gas. It is fatal to animal life, extinguishes
combustion, and burns with a pale blue flame, forming
carbon dioxide.
[1913 Webster]
carbon dioxide
Dioxide \Di*ox"ide\ (?; 104), n. [Pref. di- + oxide.] (Chem.)
(a) An oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in each molecule;
(b) An oxide containing but one atom or equivalent of oxygen
to two of a metal; a suboxide. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Carbon dioxide. See Carbonic acid, under Carbonic.
[1913 Webster]Carbon \Car"bon\ (k[aum]r"b[o^]n), n. [F. carbone, fr. L. carbo
coal; cf. Skr. [,c]r[=a] to cook.] (Chem.)
1. An elementary substance, not metallic in its nature, which
is present in all organic compounds. Atomic weight 11.97.
Symbol C. it is combustible, and forms the base of
lampblack and charcoal, and enters largely into mineral
coals. In its pure crystallized state it constitutes the
diamond, the hardest of known substances, occuring in
monometric crystals like the octahedron, etc. Another
modification is graphite, or blacklead, and in this it is
soft, and occurs in hexagonal prisms or tables. When
united with oxygen it forms carbon dioxide, commonly
called carbonic acid, or carbonic oxide, according to the
proportions of the oxygen; when united with hydrogen, it
forms various compounds called hydrocarbons. Compare
Diamond, and Graphite.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Elec.) A carbon rod or pencil used in an arc lamp; also,
a plate or piece of carbon used as one of the elements of
a voltaic battery.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. a sheet of carbon paper.

4. a carbon copy.

Carbon compounds, Compounds of carbon (Chem.), those
compounds consisting largely of carbon, commonly produced
by animals and plants, and hence called organic compounds,
though their synthesis may be effected in many cases in
the laboratory.
[1913 Webster]

The formation of the compounds of carbon is not
dependent upon the life process. --I. Remsen

carbon copy, originally, a copy of a document made by use
of a carbon paper, but now used generally to refer to
any copy of a document made by a mechanical process, such
as xerographic copying.

Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide. (Chem.) See under

Carbon light (Elec.), an extremely brilliant electric light
produced by passing a galvanic current through two carbon
points kept constantly with their apexes neary in contact.

Carbon point (Elec.), a small cylinder or bit of gas carbon
moved forward by clockwork so that, as it is burned away
by the electric current, it shall constantly maintain its
proper relation to the opposing point.

Carbon paper, a thin type of paper coated with a
dark-colored waxy substance which can be transferred to
another sheet of paper underneath it by pressing on the
carbon paper. It is used by placing a sheet between two
sheets of ordinary writing paper, and then writing or
typing on the top sheet, by which process a copy of the
writing or typing is transferred to the second sheet
below, making a copy without the need for writing or
typing a second time. Multiple sheets may be used, with a
carbon paper placed above each plain paper to which an
impression is to be transferred. In 1997 such paper was
still used, particularly to make multiple copies of
filled-in purchase invoice forms, but in most applications
this technique has been superseded by the more faithful
xerographic reproduction and computerized printing

Carbon tissue, paper coated with gelatine and pigment, used
in the autotype process of photography. --Abney.

Gas carbon, a compact variety of carbon obtained as an
incrustation on the interior of gas retorts, and used for
the manufacture of the carbon rods of pencils for the
voltaic, arc, and for the plates of voltaic batteries,
[1913 Webster]Carbonic \Car*bon"ic\, a. [Cf. F. carbonique. See Carbon.]
Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, carbon; as, carbonic
[1913 Webster]

Carbonic acid (Chem.), an acid HO.CO.OH, not existing
separately, which, combined with positive or basic atoms
or radicals, forms carbonates. In common language the term
is very generally applied to a compound of carbon and
oxygen, CO2, more correctly called carbon dioxide. It
is a colorless, heavy, irrespirable gas, extinguishing
flame, and when breathed destroys life. It can be reduced
to a liquid and solid form by intense pressure. It is
produced in the fermentation of liquors, and by the
combustion and decomposition of organic substances, or
other substances containing carbon. It is formed in the
explosion of fire damp in mines, and is hence called
after damp; it is also know as choke damp, and
mephitic air. Water will absorb its own volume of it,
and more than this under pressure, and in this state
becomes the common soda water of the shops, and the
carbonated water of natural springs. Combined with lime it
constitutes limestone, or common marble and chalk. Plants
imbibe it for their nutrition and growth, the carbon being
retained and the oxygen given out.

Carbonic oxide (Chem.), a colorless gas, CO, of a light
odor, called more correctly carbon monoxide. It is
almost the only definitely known compound in which carbon
seems to be divalent. It is a product of the incomplete
combustion of carbon, and is an abundant constituent of
water gas. It is fatal to animal life, extinguishes
combustion, and burns with a pale blue flame, forming
carbon dioxide.
[1913 Webster]
carbon dioxide extinguisher
Extinguisher \Ex*tin"guish*er\, n.
One who, or that which, extinguishes; esp., a hollow cone or
other device for extinguishing a flame, as of a torch or
[1913 Webster]

fire extinguisher a portable device designed to deliver
chemicals, usually in a stream, that can suppress or
extinguish a fire. Examples of fire extinghuishers are a
carbon dioxide extinguisher, or CO2 extinguisher, and
soda-acid extinguisher.
Deutoxide \Deu*tox"ide\ (?; 104), n. [Pref. deut- + oxide.]
A compound containing in the molecule two atoms of oxygen
united with some other element or radical; -- usually called
dioxide, or less frequently, binoxide.
[1913 Webster]Dioxide \Di*ox"ide\ (?; 104), n. [Pref. di- + oxide.] (Chem.)
(a) An oxide containing two atoms of oxygen in each molecule;
(b) An oxide containing but one atom or equivalent of oxygen
to two of a metal; a suboxide. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Carbon dioxide. See Carbonic acid, under Carbonic.
[1913 Webster]
Hydric dioxide
Hydric \Hy"dric\, a. [From Hydrogen.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or containing, hydrogen; as, hydric oxide.
[1913 Webster]

Hydric dioxide. (Chem.) See Hydrogen dioxide, under

Hydric oxide (Chem.), water.

Hydric sulphate (Chem.), hydrogen sulphate or sulphuric
[1913 Webster]
Hydrogen dioxide
Hydrogen \Hy"dro*gen\, n. [Hydro-, 1 + -gen: cf. F.
hydrog[`e]ne. So called because water is generated by its
combustion. See Hydra.] (Chem.)
A gaseous element, colorless, tasteless, and odorless, the
lightest known substance, being fourteen and a half times
lighter than air (hence its use in filling balloons), and
over eleven thousand times lighter than water. It is very
abundant, being an ingredient of water and of many other
substances, especially those of animal or vegetable origin.
It may by produced in many ways, but is chiefly obtained by
the action of acids (as sulphuric) on metals, as zinc, iron,
etc. It is very inflammable, and is an ingredient of coal gas
and water gas. It is standard of chemical equivalents or
combining weights, and also of valence, being the typical
monad. Symbol H. Atomic weight 1.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Although a gas, hydrogen is chemically similar to the
metals in its nature, having the properties of a weak
base. It is, in all acids, the base which is replaced
by metals and basic radicals to form salts. Like all
other gases, it is condensed by great cold and pressure
to a liquid which freezes and solidifies by its own
evaporation. It is absorbed in large quantities by
certain metals (esp. palladium), forming alloy-like
compounds; hence, in view of quasi-metallic nature, it
is sometimes called hydrogenium. It is the typical
reducing agent, as opposed to oxidizers, as oxygen,
chlorine, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bicarbureted hydrogen, an old name for ethylene.

Carbureted hydrogen gas. See under Carbureted.

Hydrogen dioxide, a thick, colorless liquid, H2O2,
resembling water, but having a bitter, sour taste,
produced by the action of acids on barium peroxide. It
decomposes into water and oxygen, and is manufactured in
large quantities for an oxidizing and bleaching agent.
Called also oxygenated water.

Hydrogen oxide, a chemical name for water, H?O.

Hydrogen sulphide, a colorless inflammable gas, H2S,
having the characteristic odor of bad eggs, and found in
many mineral springs. It is produced by the action of
acids on metallic sulphides, and is an important chemical
reagent. Called also sulphureted hydrogen.
[1913 Webster]
Manganese dioxide
Manganese \Man`ga*nese"\, n. [F. mangan[`e]se, It. manganese,
sasso magnesio; prob. corrupted from L. magnes, because of
its resemblance to the magnet. See Magnet, and cf.
Magnesia.] (Chem.)
An element obtained by reduction of its oxide, as a hard,
grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty (melting point
1244[deg] C), but easily oxidized. Its ores occur abundantly
in nature as the minerals pyrolusite, manganite, etc. Symbol
Mn. Atomic number 25; Atomic weight 54.938 [C=12.011].
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: An alloy of manganese with iron (called ferromanganese)
is used to increase the density and hardness of steel.
[1913 Webster]

Black oxide of manganese, Manganese dioxide or {Manganese
peroxide}, or Black manganese (Chem.), a heavy black powder
MnO2, occurring native as the mineral pyrolusite, and
valuable as a strong oxidizer; -- called also familiarly
manganese. It colors glass violet, and is used as a
decolorizer to remove the green tint of impure glass.
[1913 Webster]
Sulphur dioxide
Sulphur \Sul"phur\, n. [L., better sulfur: cf. F. soufre.]
1. (Chem.) A nonmetallic element occurring naturally in large
quantities, either combined as in the sulphides (as
pyrites) and sulphates (as gypsum), or native in volcanic
regions, in vast beds mixed with gypsum and various earthy
materials, from which it is melted out. Symbol S. Atomic
weight 32. The specific gravity of ordinary octohedral
sulphur is 2.05; of prismatic sulphur, 1.96.
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is purified by distillation, and is obtained as a
lemon-yellow powder (by sublimation), called flour, or
flowers, of sulphur, or in cast sticks called roll
sulphur, or brimstone. It burns with a blue flame and a
peculiar suffocating odor. It is an ingredient of
gunpowder, is used on friction matches, and in medicine
(as a laxative and insecticide), but its chief use is
in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Sulphur can be
obtained in two crystalline modifications, in
orthorhombic octahedra, or in monoclinic prisms, the
former of which is the more stable at ordinary
temperatures. Sulphur is the type, in its chemical
relations, of a group of elements, including selenium
and tellurium, called collectively the sulphur group,
or family. In many respects sulphur resembles oxygen.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of yellow or orange
butterflies of the subfamily Pierinae; as, the clouded
sulphur (Eurymus philodice syn. Colias philodice),
which is the common yellow butterfly of the Eastern United
[1913 Webster]

Amorphous sulphur (Chem.), an elastic variety of sulphur of
a resinous appearance, obtained by pouring melted sulphur
into water. On standing, it passes back into a brittle
crystalline modification.

Liver of sulphur. (Old Chem.) See Hepar.

Sulphur acid. (Chem.) See Sulphacid.

Sulphur alcohol. (Chem.) See Mercaptan.

Sulphur auratum [L.] (Old Chem.), a golden yellow powder,
consisting of antimonic sulphide, Sb2S5, -- formerly a
famous nostrum.

Sulphur base (Chem.), an alkaline sulphide capable of
acting as a base in the formation of sulphur salts
according to the old dual theory of salts. [Archaic]

Sulphur dioxide (Chem.), a colorless gas, SO2, of a
pungent, suffocating odor, produced by the burning of
sulphur. It is employed chiefly in the production of
sulphuric acid, and as a reagent in bleaching; -- called
also sulphurous anhydride, and formerly {sulphurous

Sulphur ether (Chem.), a sulphide of hydrocarbon radicals,
formed like the ordinary ethers, which are oxides, but
with sulphur in the place of oxygen.

Sulphur salt (Chem.), a salt of a sulphacid; a sulphosalt.

Sulphur showers, showers of yellow pollen, resembling
sulphur in appearance, often carried from pine forests by
the wind to a great distance.

Sulphur trioxide (Chem.), a white crystalline solid, SO3,
obtained by oxidation of sulphur dioxide. It dissolves in
water with a hissing noise and the production of heat,
forming sulphuric acid, and is employed as a dehydrating
agent. Called also sulphuric anhydride, and formerly
sulphuric acid.

Sulphur whale. (Zool.) See Sulphur-bottom.

Vegetable sulphur (Bot.), lycopodium powder. See under
[1913 Webster]
barium dioxide
barium dioxide
n 1: a white toxic powder obtained by heating barium oxide in
air [syn: barium dioxide, barium peroxide]
carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide
n 1: a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration
and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed
from the air by plants in photosynthesis [syn: {carbon
dioxide}, CO2, carbonic acid gas]
carbon dioxide acidosis
carbon dioxide acidosis
n 1: acidosis resulting from reduced gas exchange in the lungs
(as in emphysema or pneumonia); excess carbon dioxide
combines with water to form carbonic acid which increases
the acidity of the blood [syn: respiratory acidosis,
carbon dioxide acidosis]
chlorine dioxide
chlorine dioxide
n 1: an explosive gas (ClO2) used chiefly in bleaching paper or
starch or soap or flour and in water purification
nitrogen dioxide
nitrogen dioxide
n 1: a highly poisonous brown gas (NO2)
silicon dioxide
silicon dioxide
n 1: a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid (SiO2);
various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz
or cristobalite or tridymite or lechatelierite [syn:
silica, silicon oxide, silicon dioxide]
sulfur dioxide
sulfur dioxide
n 1: a colorless toxic gas (SO2) that occurs in the gases from
volcanoes; used in many manufacturing processes and present
in industrial emissions; causes acid rain [syn: {sulfur
dioxide}, sulphur dioxide]
sulphur dioxide
sulphur dioxide
n 1: a colorless toxic gas (SO2) that occurs in the gases from
volcanoes; used in many manufacturing processes and present
in industrial emissions; causes acid rain [syn: {sulfur
dioxide}, sulphur dioxide]
titanium dioxide
titanium dioxide
n 1: a white powder used as a pigment for its high covering
power and durability [syn: titanium dioxide, {titanium
oxide}, titanic oxide, titania]
zirconium dioxide
zirconium dioxide
n 1: a white crystalline oxide; used in refractories and in
insulation and abrasives and enamels and glazes [syn:
zirconium oxide, zirconia, zirconium dioxide]

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