Hydrochloric \Hy`dro*chlo"ric\, a. [Hydro-, 2 + chloric: cf. F.
hydrochlorique.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or compounded of, chlorine and hydrogen gas;
as, hydrochloric acid; chlorhydric.
[1913 Webster]

Hydrochloric acid (Chem.), hydrogen chloride; a colorless,
corrosive gas, HCl, of pungent, suffocating odor. It is
made in great quantities in the soda process, by the
action of sulphuric acid on common salt. It has a great
affinity for water, and the commercial article is a strong
solution of the gas in water. It is a typical acid, and is
an indispensable agent in commercial and general chemical
work. Called also muriatic acid and chlorhydric acid.
[1913 Webster]
Ion \I"on\ ([imac]"[o^]n), n. [Gr. 'io`n, neut, of 'iw`n, p. pr.
of 'ie`nai to go.]
1. (Elec. Chem.) an atom or goup of atoms (radical) carrying
an electrical charge. It is contrasted with neutral atoms
or molecules, and free radicals. Certain compounds, such
as sodium chloride, are composed of complementary ions in
the solid (crystalline) as well as in solution. Others,
notably acids such as hydrogen chloride, may occur as
neutral molecules in the pure liquid or gas forms, and
ionize almost completely in dilute aqueous solutions. In
solutions (as in water) ions are frequently bound
non-covalently with the molecules of solvent, and in that
case are said to be solvated. According to the
electrolytic dissociation theory, the molecules of
electrolytes are divided into ions by water and other
solvents. An ion consists of one or more atoms and carries
one unit charges of electricity, 3.4 x 10^-10
electrostatic units, or a multiple of this. Those which
are positively electrified (hydrogen and the metals) are
called cations; negative ions (hydroxyl and acidic atoms
or groups) are called anions.

Note: Thus, hydrochloric acid (HCl) dissociates, in aqueous
solution, into the hydrogen ion, H+, and the chlorine
ion, Cl-; ferric nitrate, Fe(NO3)3, yields the
ferric ion, Fe+++, and nitrate ions, NO3-, NO3-,
NO3-. When a solution containing ions is made part of
an electric circuit, the cations move toward the
cathode, the anions toward the anode. This movement is
called migration, and the velocity of it differs for
different kinds of ions. If the electromotive force is
sufficient, electrolysis ensues: cations give up their
charge at the cathode and separate in metallic form or
decompose water, forming hydrogen and alkali;
similarly, at the anode the element of the anion
separates, or the metal of the anode is dissolved, or
decomposition occurs. Aluminum and chlorine are
elements prepared predominantly by such electrolysis,
and depends on dissolving compounds in a solvent where
the element forms ions. Electrolysis is also used in
refining other metals, such as copper and silver. Cf.
Anion, Cation.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. One of the small electrified particles into which the
molecules of a gas are broken up under the action of the
electric current, of ultraviolet and certain other rays,
and of high temperatures. To the properties and behavior
of ions the phenomena of the electric discharge through
rarefied gases and many other important effects are
ascribed. At low pressures the negative ions appear to be
electrons; the positive ions, atoms minus an electron. At
ordinary pressures each ion seems to include also a number
of attached molecules. Ions may be formed in a gas in
various ways.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Muriatic \Mu`ri*at"ic\, a. [L. muriaticus pickled, from muria
brine: cf. F. muriatique.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, sea salt, or from
chlorine, one of the constituents of sea salt; hydrochloric.
[1913 Webster]

Muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid, HCl; -- formerly called
also marine acid, and spirit of salt. See
hydrochloric, and the Note under Muriate.
[1913 Webster]
Type \Type\ (t[imac]p), n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus
a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ty`pos the mark
of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the
root of ty`ptein to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.]
1. The mark or impression of something; stamp; impressed
sign; emblem.
[1913 Webster]

The faith they have in tennis, and tall stockings,
Short blistered breeches, and those types of travel.
[1913 Webster]

2. Form or character impressed; style; semblance.
[1913 Webster]

Thy father bears the type of king of Naples. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. A figure or representation of something to come; a token;
a sign; a symbol; -- correlative to antitype.
[1913 Webster]

A type is no longer a type when the thing typified
comes to be actually exhibited. --South.
[1913 Webster]

4. That which possesses or exemplifies characteristic
qualities; the representative. Specifically:
(a) (Biol.) A general form or structure common to a number
of individuals; hence, the ideal representation of a
species, genus, or other group, combining the
essential characteristics; an animal or plant
possessing or exemplifying the essential
characteristics of a species, genus, or other group.
Also, a group or division of animals having a certain
typical or characteristic structure of body maintained
within the group.
[1913 Webster]

Since the time of Cuvier and Baer . . . the
whole animal kingdom has been universally held
to be divisible into a small number of main
divisions or types. --Haeckel.
[1913 Webster]
(b) (Fine Arts) The original object, or class of objects,
scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject
of a copy; esp., the design on the face of a medal or
a coin.
[1913 Webster]
(c) (Chem.) A simple compound, used as a model or pattern
to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as
being related, and from which they may be actually or
theoretically derived.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The fundamental types used to express the simplest and
most essential chemical relations are hydrochloric
acid, HCl; water, H2O; ammonia, NH3; and methane,
[1913 Webster]

5. (Typog.)
(a) A raised letter, figure, accent, or other character,
cast in metal or cut in wood, used in printing.
(b) Such letters or characters, in general, or the whole
quantity of them used in printing, spoken of
collectively; any number or mass of such letters or
characters, however disposed.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Type are mostly made by casting type metal in a mold,
though some of the larger sizes are made from maple,
mahogany, or boxwood. In the cut, a is the body; b, the
face, or part from which the impression is taken; c,
the shoulder, or top of the body; d, the nick
(sometimes two or more are made), designed to assist
the compositor in distinguishing the bottom of the face
from t`e top; e, the groove made in the process of
finishing, -- each type as cast having attached to the
bottom of the body a jet, or small piece of metal
(formed by the surplus metal poured into the mold),
which, when broken off, leaves a roughness that
requires to be removed. The fine lines at the top and
bottom of a letter are technically called ceriphs, and
when part of the face projects over the body, as in the
letter f, the projection is called a kern.
[1913 Webster] The type which compose an ordinary book
font consist of Roman CAPITALS, small capitals, and
lower-case letters, and Italic CAPITALS and lower-case
letters, with accompanying figures, points, and
reference marks, -- in all about two hundred
characters. Including the various modern styles of
fancy type, some three or four hundred varieties of
face are made. Besides the ordinary Roman and Italic,
some of the most important of the varieties are
[1913 Webster] Old English. Black Letter. Old Style.
French Elzevir. Boldface. Antique. Clarendon. Gothic.
Typewriter. Script.
[1913 Webster] The smallest body in common use is
diamond; then follow in order of size, pearl, agate,
nonpareil, minion, brevier, bourgeois (or two-line
diamond), long primer (or two-line pearl), small pica
(or two-line agate), pica (or two-line nonpareil),
English (or two-line minion), Columbian (or two-line
brevier), great primer (or two-line bourgeois), paragon
(or two-line long primer), double small pica (or
two-line small pica), double pica (or two-line pica),
double English (or two-line English), double great
primer (or two-line great primer), double paragon (or
two-line paragon), canon (or two-line double pica).
Above this, the sizes are called five-line pica,
six-line pica, seven-line pica, and so on, being made
mostly of wood. The following alphabets show the
different sizes up to great primer.
[1913 Webster] Brilliant . . abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Diamond . . abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Pearl . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Agate . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Nonpareil . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Minion . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Brevier . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Bourgeois . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Long primer . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Small pica . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Pica . . . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz English . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Columbian . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Great primer . . .
[1913 Webster] The foregoing account is conformed to
the designations made use of by American type founders,
but is substantially correct for England. Agate,
however, is called ruby, in England, where, also, a
size intermediate between nonpareil and minion is
employed, called emerald.
[1913 Webster]

Point system of type bodies (Type Founding), a system
adopted by the type founders of the United States by which
the various sizes of type have been so modified and
changed that each size bears an exact proportional
relation to every other size. The system is a modification
of a French system, and is based on the pica body. This
pica body is divided into twelfths, which are termed
"points," and every type body consist of a given number of
these points. Many of the type founders indicate the new
sizes of type by the number of points, and the old names
are gradually being done away with. By the point system
type founders cast type of a uniform size and height,
whereas formerly fonts of pica or other type made by
different founders would often vary slightly so that they
could not be used together. There are no type in actual
use corresponding to the smaller theoretical sizes of the
point system. In some cases, as in that of ruby, the term
used designates a different size from that heretofore so
[1913 Webster] 1 American 9 Bourgeois [bar] [bar] 11/2
German [bar] 2 Saxon 10 Long Primer [bar] [bar] 21/2 Norse
[bar] 3 Brilliant 11 Small Pica [bar] [bar] 31/2 Ruby 12
Pica [bar] [bar] 4 Excelsior [bar] 41/2 Diamond 14 English
[bar] [bar] 5 Pearl 16 Columbian [bar] [bar] 51/2 Agate
[bar] 6 Nonpareil 18 Great Primer [bar] [bar] 7 Minion
[bar] 8 Brevier 20 Paragon [bar] [bar] Diagram of the
"points" by which sizes of Type are graduated in the
"Point System".
[1913 Webster]

Type founder, one who casts or manufacture type.

Type foundry, Type foundery, a place for the manufacture
of type.

Type metal, an alloy used in making type, stereotype
plates, etc., and in backing up electrotype plates. It
consists essentially of lead and antimony, often with a
little tin, nickel, or copper.

Type wheel, a wheel having raised letters or characters on
its periphery, and used in typewriters, printing
telegraphs, etc.

Unity of type (Biol.), that fundamental agreement in
structure which is seen in organic beings of the same
class, and is quite independent of their habits of life.
[1913 Webster]
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podobné slovodefinícia
dishcloth,utěrka n: Zdeněk Brož
dishcloth gourd
dishcloth gourd, n:
washcloth,žínka n: Zdeněk Brož
Breechcloth \Breech"cloth`\ (br[=e]ch"kl[o^]th` or
br[i^]ch"kl[o^]th`; 115), n.
A cloth worn around the breech.
[1913 Webster]
breechclout \breechclout\ n.
covering for the loins.

Syn: breechcloth, loincloth, G-string.
[WordNet 1.5]
Chloroform \Chlo"ro*form\, n. [Chlorine + formyl, it having been
regarded as a trichloride of this radical: cf. F.
chloroforme, G. chloroform.] (Chem.)
A colorless volatile liquid, CHCl3, having an ethereal odor
and a sweetish taste, formed by treating alcohol with
chlorine and an alkali. It is a powerful solvent of wax,
resin, etc., and is extensively used to produce an[ae]sthesia
in surgical operations; also externally, to alleviate pain.
[1913 Webster]
Towel \Tow"el\, n. [OE. towaille, towail, F. touaille, LL.
toacula, of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. dwahila, swahilla, G.
zwehle, fr. OHG. dwahan to wash; akin to D. dwaal a towel,
AS. [thorn]we['a]n to wash, OS. thwahan, Icel. [thorn]v[=a],
Sw. tv[*a], Dan. toe, Goth. [thorn]wahan. Cf. Doily.]
A cloth used for wiping, especially one used for drying
anything wet, as the person after a bath.
[1913 Webster]

Towel gourd (Bot.), the fruit of the cucurbitaceous plant
Luffa Aegyptiaca; also, the plant itself. The fruit is
very fibrous, and, when separated from its rind and seeds,
is used as a sponge or towel. Called also {Egyptian bath
sponge}, and dishcloth.
[1913 Webster]Dishcloth \Dish"cloth`\ (?; 115), n.
A cloth used for washing dishes.
[1913 Webster]
Towel \Tow"el\, n. [OE. towaille, towail, F. touaille, LL.
toacula, of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. dwahila, swahilla, G.
zwehle, fr. OHG. dwahan to wash; akin to D. dwaal a towel,
AS. [thorn]we['a]n to wash, OS. thwahan, Icel. [thorn]v[=a],
Sw. tv[*a], Dan. toe, Goth. [thorn]wahan. Cf. Doily.]
A cloth used for wiping, especially one used for drying
anything wet, as the person after a bath.
[1913 Webster]

Towel gourd (Bot.), the fruit of the cucurbitaceous plant
Luffa Aegyptiaca; also, the plant itself. The fruit is
very fibrous, and, when separated from its rind and seeds,
is used as a sponge or towel. Called also {Egyptian bath
sponge}, and dishcloth.
[1913 Webster]Dishcloth \Dish"cloth`\ (?; 115), n.
A cloth used for washing dishes.
[1913 Webster]
Dishclout \Dish"clout`\, n.
A dishcloth. [Obsolescent]
[1913 Webster]
earth-closet \earth-closet\ n.
a small building with a bench having holes through which a
user can defecate.

Syn: outhouse, privy, jakes.
[WordNet 1.5]
Hydrochloric \Hy`dro*chlo"ric\, a. [Hydro-, 2 + chloric: cf. F.
hydrochlorique.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or compounded of, chlorine and hydrogen gas;
as, hydrochloric acid; chlorhydric.
[1913 Webster]

Hydrochloric acid (Chem.), hydrogen chloride; a colorless,
corrosive gas, HCl, of pungent, suffocating odor. It is
made in great quantities in the soda process, by the
action of sulphuric acid on common salt. It has a great
affinity for water, and the commercial article is a strong
solution of the gas in water. It is a typical acid, and is
an indispensable agent in commercial and general chemical
work. Called also muriatic acid and chlorhydric acid.
[1913 Webster]Ion \I"on\ ([imac]"[o^]n), n. [Gr. 'io`n, neut, of 'iw`n, p. pr.
of 'ie`nai to go.]
1. (Elec. Chem.) an atom or goup of atoms (radical) carrying
an electrical charge. It is contrasted with neutral atoms
or molecules, and free radicals. Certain compounds, such
as sodium chloride, are composed of complementary ions in
the solid (crystalline) as well as in solution. Others,
notably acids such as hydrogen chloride, may occur as
neutral molecules in the pure liquid or gas forms, and
ionize almost completely in dilute aqueous solutions. In
solutions (as in water) ions are frequently bound
non-covalently with the molecules of solvent, and in that
case are said to be solvated. According to the
electrolytic dissociation theory, the molecules of
electrolytes are divided into ions by water and other
solvents. An ion consists of one or more atoms and carries
one unit charges of electricity, 3.4 x 10^-10
electrostatic units, or a multiple of this. Those which
are positively electrified (hydrogen and the metals) are
called cations; negative ions (hydroxyl and acidic atoms
or groups) are called anions.

Note: Thus, hydrochloric acid (HCl) dissociates, in aqueous
solution, into the hydrogen ion, H+, and the chlorine
ion, Cl-; ferric nitrate, Fe(NO3)3, yields the
ferric ion, Fe+++, and nitrate ions, NO3-, NO3-,
NO3-. When a solution containing ions is made part of
an electric circuit, the cations move toward the
cathode, the anions toward the anode. This movement is
called migration, and the velocity of it differs for
different kinds of ions. If the electromotive force is
sufficient, electrolysis ensues: cations give up their
charge at the cathode and separate in metallic form or
decompose water, forming hydrogen and alkali;
similarly, at the anode the element of the anion
separates, or the metal of the anode is dissolved, or
decomposition occurs. Aluminum and chlorine are
elements prepared predominantly by such electrolysis,
and depends on dissolving compounds in a solvent where
the element forms ions. Electrolysis is also used in
refining other metals, such as copper and silver. Cf.
Anion, Cation.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. One of the small electrified particles into which the
molecules of a gas are broken up under the action of the
electric current, of ultraviolet and certain other rays,
and of high temperatures. To the properties and behavior
of ions the phenomena of the electric discharge through
rarefied gases and many other important effects are
ascribed. At low pressures the negative ions appear to be
electrons; the positive ions, atoms minus an electron. At
ordinary pressures each ion seems to include also a number
of attached molecules. Ions may be formed in a gas in
various ways.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Muriatic \Mu`ri*at"ic\, a. [L. muriaticus pickled, from muria
brine: cf. F. muriatique.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, sea salt, or from
chlorine, one of the constituents of sea salt; hydrochloric.
[1913 Webster]

Muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid, HCl; -- formerly called
also marine acid, and spirit of salt. See
hydrochloric, and the Note under Muriate.
[1913 Webster]Type \Type\ (t[imac]p), n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus
a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ty`pos the mark
of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the
root of ty`ptein to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.]
1. The mark or impression of something; stamp; impressed
sign; emblem.
[1913 Webster]

The faith they have in tennis, and tall stockings,
Short blistered breeches, and those types of travel.
[1913 Webster]

2. Form or character impressed; style; semblance.
[1913 Webster]

Thy father bears the type of king of Naples. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. A figure or representation of something to come; a token;
a sign; a symbol; -- correlative to antitype.
[1913 Webster]

A type is no longer a type when the thing typified
comes to be actually exhibited. --South.
[1913 Webster]

4. That which possesses or exemplifies characteristic
qualities; the representative. Specifically:
(a) (Biol.) A general form or structure common to a number
of individuals; hence, the ideal representation of a
species, genus, or other group, combining the
essential characteristics; an animal or plant
possessing or exemplifying the essential
characteristics of a species, genus, or other group.
Also, a group or division of animals having a certain
typical or characteristic structure of body maintained
within the group.
[1913 Webster]

Since the time of Cuvier and Baer . . . the
whole animal kingdom has been universally held
to be divisible into a small number of main
divisions or types. --Haeckel.
[1913 Webster]
(b) (Fine Arts) The original object, or class of objects,
scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject
of a copy; esp., the design on the face of a medal or
a coin.
[1913 Webster]
(c) (Chem.) A simple compound, used as a model or pattern
to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as
being related, and from which they may be actually or
theoretically derived.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The fundamental types used to express the simplest and
most essential chemical relations are hydrochloric
acid, HCl; water, H2O; ammonia, NH3; and methane,
[1913 Webster]

5. (Typog.)
(a) A raised letter, figure, accent, or other character,
cast in metal or cut in wood, used in printing.
(b) Such letters or characters, in general, or the whole
quantity of them used in printing, spoken of
collectively; any number or mass of such letters or
characters, however disposed.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Type are mostly made by casting type metal in a mold,
though some of the larger sizes are made from maple,
mahogany, or boxwood. In the cut, a is the body; b, the
face, or part from which the impression is taken; c,
the shoulder, or top of the body; d, the nick
(sometimes two or more are made), designed to assist
the compositor in distinguishing the bottom of the face
from t`e top; e, the groove made in the process of
finishing, -- each type as cast having attached to the
bottom of the body a jet, or small piece of metal
(formed by the surplus metal poured into the mold),
which, when broken off, leaves a roughness that
requires to be removed. The fine lines at the top and
bottom of a letter are technically called ceriphs, and
when part of the face projects over the body, as in the
letter f, the projection is called a kern.
[1913 Webster] The type which compose an ordinary book
font consist of Roman CAPITALS, small capitals, and
lower-case letters, and Italic CAPITALS and lower-case
letters, with accompanying figures, points, and
reference marks, -- in all about two hundred
characters. Including the various modern styles of
fancy type, some three or four hundred varieties of
face are made. Besides the ordinary Roman and Italic,
some of the most important of the varieties are
[1913 Webster] Old English. Black Letter. Old Style.
French Elzevir. Boldface. Antique. Clarendon. Gothic.
Typewriter. Script.
[1913 Webster] The smallest body in common use is
diamond; then follow in order of size, pearl, agate,
nonpareil, minion, brevier, bourgeois (or two-line
diamond), long primer (or two-line pearl), small pica
(or two-line agate), pica (or two-line nonpareil),
English (or two-line minion), Columbian (or two-line
brevier), great primer (or two-line bourgeois), paragon
(or two-line long primer), double small pica (or
two-line small pica), double pica (or two-line pica),
double English (or two-line English), double great
primer (or two-line great primer), double paragon (or
two-line paragon), canon (or two-line double pica).
Above this, the sizes are called five-line pica,
six-line pica, seven-line pica, and so on, being made
mostly of wood. The following alphabets show the
different sizes up to great primer.
[1913 Webster] Brilliant . . abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Diamond . . abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Pearl . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Agate . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Nonpareil . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Minion . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Brevier . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Bourgeois . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Long primer . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Small pica . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Pica . . . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz English . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Columbian . . .
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Great primer . . .
[1913 Webster] The foregoing account is conformed to
the designations made use of by American type founders,
but is substantially correct for England. Agate,
however, is called ruby, in England, where, also, a
size intermediate between nonpareil and minion is
employed, called emerald.
[1913 Webster]

Point system of type bodies (Type Founding), a system
adopted by the type founders of the United States by which
the various sizes of type have been so modified and
changed that each size bears an exact proportional
relation to every other size. The system is a modification
of a French system, and is based on the pica body. This
pica body is divided into twelfths, which are termed
"points," and every type body consist of a given number of
these points. Many of the type founders indicate the new
sizes of type by the number of points, and the old names
are gradually being done away with. By the point system
type founders cast type of a uniform size and height,
whereas formerly fonts of pica or other type made by
different founders would often vary slightly so that they
could not be used together. There are no type in actual
use corresponding to the smaller theoretical sizes of the
point system. In some cases, as in that of ruby, the term
used designates a different size from that heretofore so
[1913 Webster] 1 American 9 Bourgeois [bar] [bar] 11/2
German [bar] 2 Saxon 10 Long Primer [bar] [bar] 21/2 Norse
[bar] 3 Brilliant 11 Small Pica [bar] [bar] 31/2 Ruby 12
Pica [bar] [bar] 4 Excelsior [bar] 41/2 Diamond 14 English
[bar] [bar] 5 Pearl 16 Columbian [bar] [bar] 51/2 Agate
[bar] 6 Nonpareil 18 Great Primer [bar] [bar] 7 Minion
[bar] 8 Brevier 20 Paragon [bar] [bar] Diagram of the
"points" by which sizes of Type are graduated in the
"Point System".
[1913 Webster]

Type founder, one who casts or manufacture type.

Type foundry, Type foundery, a place for the manufacture
of type.

Type metal, an alloy used in making type, stereotype
plates, etc., and in backing up electrotype plates. It
consists essentially of lead and antimony, often with a
little tin, nickel, or copper.

Type wheel, a wheel having raised letters or characters on
its periphery, and used in typewriters, printing
telegraphs, etc.

Unity of type (Biol.), that fundamental agreement in
structure which is seen in organic beings of the same
class, and is quite independent of their habits of life.
[1913 Webster]
Chlorous \Chlo"rous\, a. [See Chlorine.]
1. Of, pertaining to, or derived from, chlorine; -- said of
those compounds of chlorine in which this element has a
valence of three, the next lower than in chloric
compounds; as, chlorous acid, HClO2.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem. Physics) Pertaining to, or resembling, the
electro-negative character of chlorine; hence,
electro-negative; -- opposed to basylous or zincous.
[1913 Webster]
Chloric \Chlo"ric\, a. [From Chlorine.]
Pertaining to, or obtained from, chlorine; -- said of those
compounds of chlorine in which this element has a valence of
five, or the next to its highest; as, chloric acid, HClO3.
[1913 Webster]

Chloric ether (Chem.), ethylene dichloride. See {Dutch
liquid}, under Dutch.
[1913 Webster]
Perchloric \Per*chlo"ric\, a. [Pref. per- + chloric.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or designating, the highest oxygen acid
(HClO4), of chlorine; -- called also hyperchloric.
[1913 Webster]
Heathclad \Heath"clad`\ (-kl[a^]d`), a.
Clad or crowned with heath.
[1913 Webster]
Match-cloth \Match"-cloth`\, n.
A coarse cloth.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a garment that provides covering for the loins [syn:
breechcloth, breechclout, loincloth]
n 1: a garment that provides covering for the loins [syn:
breechcloth, breechclout, loincloth]
n 1: a cloth for washing dishes [syn: dishrag, dishcloth]
dishcloth gourd
dishcloth gourd
n 1: any of several tropical annual climbers having large yellow
flowers and edible young fruits; grown commercially for the
mature fruit's dried fibrous interior that is used as a
sponge [syn: luffa, dishcloth gourd, sponge gourd,
rag gourd, strainer vine]
viscount northcliffe
Viscount Northcliffe
n 1: British newspaper publisher (1865-1922) [syn: Harmsworth,
Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, {Viscount
n 1: bath linen consisting of a piece of cloth used to wash the
face and body [syn: washcloth, washrag, flannel,
face cloth]

Hierarchical CLP.

["Constraint Hierarchies and Logic Programming", A. Borning et
al, in Proc Sixth Intl Logic Prog Conf, June 1989,
pp. 149-164].

A class library for C++ from the US National Institutes of
Health (NIH).
National Institute of Health [c++] Class Library (PD)

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