podobné slovo | definícia |
adaptation (mass) | adaptation
- úprava, adaptácia, prispôsobenie |
agitate (mass) | agitate
- agitovať, pretrepať |
agitation (mass) | agitation
- diskusia |
air station (mass) | air station
- letecká základňa |
attestation (mass) | attestation
- atestácia, overenie, osvedčenie |
augmentation (mass) | augmentation
- zvýšenie |
authoritative (mass) | authoritative
- úradný |
celebratated (mass) | celebratated
- slávny |
celebratation (mass) | celebratation
- slávnosť |
churchstate (mass) | church-state
- cirkevný štát |
cogitate (mass) | cogitate
- premýšľať |
commutation (mass) | commutation
- výmena |
connotation (mass) | connotation
- význam |
consultation (mass) | consultation
- konzultácia |
crepitate (mass) | crepitate
- praskať |
deforestation (mass) | deforestation
- odlesňovanie |
delectation (mass) | delectation
- potešenie |
detestation (mass) | detestation
- nenávisť |
devastation (mass) | devastation
- zničenie |
dictate (mass) | dictate
- diktát, diktovať |
disorientate (mass) | disorientate
- zmiasť |
documentation (mass) | documentation
- dokumentácia |
estate (mass) | estate
- nehnuteľnosť, majetok, pozemky, statok |
expectation (mass) | expectation
- očakávania |
exploitation (mass) | exploitation
- využitie, využitie |
facilitated (mass) | facilitated
- uľahčený |
felicitation (mass) | felicitation
- blahoželanie |
habilitate (mass) | habilitate
- vybaviť |
habitation (mass) | habitation
- bydlisko, bydlisko |
imitation (mass) | imitation
- umelý |
implementation (mass) | implementation
- implementácia |
imputation (mass) | imputation
- obvinenie |
income statement (mass) | income statement
- výsledovka |
incrustation (mass) | incrustation
- kôra |
instate (mass) | instate
- uviesť |
instrumentate (mass) | instrumentate
- písať partitúru |
interpretation (mass) | interpretation
- interpretácia, preklad |
invitation (mass) | invitation
- pozvanie |
lactating (mass) | lactating
- dojaci, dojčiaci |
limitation (mass) | limitation
- obmedzenie |
linux documentation project (mass) | Linux Documentation Project
- Dokumentačný projekt Linuxu |
manifestation (mass) | manifestation
- prejav |
manifestations (mass) | manifestations
- prejav |
meditate (mass) | meditate
- premýšľať |
militate (mass) | militate
- pôsobiť |
militates (mass) | militates
- pôsobí |
mutation (mass) | mutation
- zmena |
of the state (mass) | of the state
- štátu |
orientate (mass) | orientate
- orientovať |
orientated (mass) | orientated
- zameraný |
orientation (mass) | orientation
- orientácia |
petrol station (mass) | petrol station
- benzínová pumpa, čerpacia stanica |
pigmentation (mass) | pigmentation
- sfarbenie, pigmentácia |
polling station (mass) | polling station
- volebná miestnosť |
potato (mass) | potato
- zemiak |
potato pancake (mass) | potato pancake
- zemiakové placky |
potato puree (mass) | potato puree
- kaša |
power station (mass) | power station
- elektráreň, elektráreň |
powerstation (mass) | power-station
- elektráreň |
precipitate (mass) | precipitate
- urýchliť |
precipitation (mass) | precipitation
- vylučovanie, zrážky |
presentation (mass) | presentation
- prezentácia |
quotation (mass) | quotation
- citát |
quotation mark (mass) | quotation mark
- úvodzovka |
recantation (mass) | recantation
- odvolanie |
recitation (mass) | recitation
- prednes, recitácia |
rehabilitate (mass) | rehabilitate
- obnoviť |
representation (mass) | representation
- predstavenie, reprezentácia |
representative (mass) | representative
- zástupca |
reputation (mass) | reputation
- povesť |
restate (mass) | restate
- zopakovač, zopakovať |
rotate (mass) | rotate
- rotovať, točiť, otočiť |
rotates (mass) | rotates
- otáča |
rotation (mass) | rotation
- otočenie |
salutation (mass) | salutation
- oslovenie |
service station (mass) | service station
- servisná stanica |
solidstate (mass) | solid-state
- v pevnom stave |
state (mass) | state
- uvedený, stav, štát, uviesť, tvrdiť, konštatovať, prehlasovať |
state prison (mass) | state prison
- väznica |
statecontrolled (mass) | state-controlled
- štátom ovládaný, štátom kontrolovaný |
statehouse (mass) | Statehouse
- štátna budova |