60 \60\ adj.
1. one more than fifty-nine; denoting a quantity consisting
of sixty items or units; -- representing the number sixty
as an Arabic numeral.

Syn: sixty, lx, threescore
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 60 minutes n.


Syn: hour, hr a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day.
[WordNet 1.5]

a 1-hour television program broadcast once weekly on the
CBS television network since the 1970's. Its format is
that of a "news magazine" treating typically three topics
during each show, plus occasional commentary. [Proper

Syn: Sixty Minutes
adj 1: being ten more than fifty [syn: sixty, 60, lx,
n 1: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and six
[syn: sixty, 60, LX]
podobné slovodefinícia
cobalt 60
cobalt 60, n:
boris leonidovič pasternak (1890-1960)
Boris Leonidovič Pasternak (1890-1960),Pasternakn: [jmén.] ruský
spisovatel Petr Prášek
60th \60th\ adj.
1. coming next after the fifty-ninth in a series

Syn: sixtieth
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Melene \Mel"ene\, n. [Melissic + ethylene.] (Chem.)
An unsaturated hydrocarbon, C30H60, of the ethylene series,
obtained from beeswax as a white, scaly, crystalline wax; --
called also melissene, and melissylene.
[1913 Webster]
bacitracin \bacitracin\ n. (1940) [Bacillus + Margaret Tracy, (a
child whose tissues contained Bacillus subtilis) + -in.
a polypeptide antibacterial antibiotic of known chemical
structure effective against several types of Gram-positive
organisms, and usually used topically for superficial local

Note: It is produced by Bacillus subtilis and {Bacillus
licheniformis}, and as produced commercially is
composed of several closely related substances. The
predominant component, Bacitracin A, has a formula
C60H103N17O16S, and contains D-ornithine,
D-phenylalanine and D-glutamine residues as well as the
L-isomers of leucine, isoleucine, histidine, asparagine
and aspartic acid. --[MI11]
[WordNet 1.5]
adj 1: being ten more than one hundred fifty [syn: {one hundred
sixty}, 160, clx]
adj 1: the ordinal number of one hundred sixty in counting order
[syn: hundred-and-sixtieth, 160th]
n 1: the decade from 1760 to 1769
n 1: the decade from 1860 to 1869
n 1: the decade from 1960 to 1969 [syn: sixties, 1960s]
60 minutes
60 minutes
n 1: a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will
take more than an hour" [syn: hour, hr, 60 minutes]
adj 1: the ordinal number of sixty in counting order [syn:
sixtieth, 60th]
atomic number 60
atomic number 60
n 1: a yellow trivalent metallic element of the rare earth
group; occurs in monazite and bastnasite in association
with cerium and lanthanum and praseodymium [syn:
neodymium, Nd, atomic number 60]
cobalt 60
cobalt 60
n 1: a radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number 60; a
source of exceptionally intense gamma rays; used in
radiation therapy

National Semiconductor 16000
Motorola 68060

A 32-bit microprocessor from Motorola, the
successor to the Motorola 68040. The 68060 is the highest
performance 680x0 family processor currently (April 1995)
available. It has 2 to 3 times the performance of the

The 68060 is probably the last development from Motorola in
the high performacnce 680x0 series. They don't want to
compete with their own PowerPC chips. The 680x0 series is
intended more for embedded systems, where it is already very
popular. New developments here seem to integrate more
peripheral functions on chip rather than increasing processing

algol 60

ALGOrithmic Language 1960.

A portable language for scientific computations. ALGOL 60 was
small and elegant. It was block-structured, nested,
recursive and free form. It was also the first language
to be described in BNF.

There were three lexical representations: hardware,
reference, and publication. The only structured data types
were arrays, but they were permitted to have lower bounds
and could be dynamic. It also had conditional expressions;
it introduced :=; if-then-else; very general "for" loops;
switch declaration (an array of statement labels
generalising Fortran's computed goto). Parameters were
call-by-name and call-by-value. It had static local
"own" variables. It lacked user-defined types, character
manipulation and standard I/O.

See also EULER, ALGOL 58, ALGOL 68, Foogol.

["Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60", Peter Naur
ed., CACM 3(5):299-314, May 1960].

algol 60 modified
ALGOL 60 Modified

["A Supplement to the ALGOL 60 Revised Report", R.M. DeMorgan
et al, Computer J 19(4):364].

[SIGPLAN Notices 12(1) 1977].

An erratum in [Computer J 21(3):282 (Aug 1978)] applies to

algol 60 revised
ALGOL 60 Revised
Revised ALGOL 60

(Or "Revised ALGOL 60") A revision of Algol 60
which still lacked standard I/O.

["Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60", Peter
Naur ed, CACM 6(1):1-17 (Jan 1963)].

[Sammet 1969, p.773].

cdc 6600
CDC 6600

A mainframe computer from {Control Data
Corporation}, first delivered in 1964. It is generally
considered to be the first successful supercomputer, about
three times faster than STRETCH. Its successor was the {CDC

data general mn601
Data General mN601

Data General MicroNova 601

The operating system announced by IBM
at the low end for the System/360 in 1964 and delivered in
1965 or 1966.

Following the failure of OS, IBM designed DOS for the low
end machines, able to run in 16KB(?) and 64KB memory.

DOS/360 used three memory partitions, but it had no serious
memory protection. The three partitions were not
specialised, but frequently one was used for spooling
punched cards to disk, another one for batch job
execution and another for spooling disk to printers.

With DOS/VS, introduced in 1970, the number of partitions was
increased, virtual memory was introduced and the minimum
memory requirements increased.

Later they released DOS/VSE and ESA/VSE. DOS/360 successors
are still alive today (1997) though not as popular as in the
late 1960s.

Contrary to the Hacker's Jargon File, GECOS was not copied
from DOS/360.


A digital signal processing chip from Motorola.

An assembler called a56 and a port of gcc called
dsp56k-gcc are available.

A digital signal processing chip from Motorola.

An assembler called a56 is available.

An early system on the IBM 701.

[CACM 2(5):16 (May 1959)].


A 32/64-bit superscalar RISC microprocessor
from Intel, released in 1989. Originally codenamed "N10".
It has a 32-bit integer ALU and a 64-bit {floating-point
unit}. It has a 64-bit data bus with an initialisation mode
which only uses eight bits of the data bus to allow the use of
a small boot ROM. It has a 32-bit wide instruction cache
and a separate 64-bit wide data cache. It uses {register
scoreboarding} and register bypassing. The clock rate is
33 MHz with a clock-doubled version available.

ibm 360
IBM 360

The generic name for the CPUs and architecture
released by IBM on 1964-04-07. The 360 was marketed as a
general purpose computer with 'all round' functionality -
hence 360 (degrees).

Models ranged from the 360/20 to the 360/65 and later the
360/95, with typical memory configurations from 16K to 1024K.

Elements of the architecture, such as the basic {instruction
set} are still in use on IBM mainframes today. Operating
System/360 (OS/360) was developed for System/360. Other
associated operating systems included DOS, OS/MFT and

The 360 architecture was based on an 8-bit byte, 16 general
purpose registers, 24-bit addressing, and a PSW (Program
Status Word) including a location counter.

Gene Amdahl, then an IBM employee, is generally acknowledged
as the 360's chief architect. He later went on to found
Amdahl Corporaton, a manufacture of PCM mainframe

The 360's predecessors were the smaller IBM 1401 and the
large IBM 7090 series. If was followed by the IBM 370.

See also ABEND, ALC, BAL, Big Red Switch, HCF, {mode
bit}, PL360, PL/S.

intel i960
Intel i960

A superscalar 32-bit RISC microprocessor
from Intel intended for embedded applications.

The i960 CA variant can reach 66 native MIPS peak performance
with a sustained execution of two instructions per clock
cycle. The i960 CF has an on-chip, four kilobyte two-way
set-associative instruction cache and a one kilobyte {data
cache}. Both the CA and CF processors have on-chip RAM; a
four-channel DMA unit; and integrated peripherals.

iso 9660
ISO 9660

The ISO standard file system for
CD-ROMs, later extended by the Joliet standard to allow
Unicode characters.


A system for solving numerical problems using equation-like
input. Developed around 1967.

["User's Guide to MAC-360", Charles Stark Draper Lab,
Cambridge MA (Aug 1973)].

[Sammet 1969, p. 264].

Interactive, similar to PAL[5], for IBM 360.

"McG360 Programmer's Guide", RC 2693, IBM TJWRC, Nov 1969.

A processor made by Western Digital, consisting of at least
four separate integrated circuits, including the control
circuitry unit, the ALU, two or four ROM chips with
microcode, and timing circuitry.

The ALU chip contained twenty-six 8-bit registers and an
8-bit ALU, while the control unit supervised the moving of
data, memory access, and other control functions. The ROM
allowed the chip to function as either an 8- or 16-bit chip,
with clever use of the 8-bit ALU. Further, microcode
allowed the addition of floating-point routines (40 + 8 bit
format), simplifying programming (and possibly producing a
floating-point coprocessor).

Two standard microcode ROMs were available. This
flexibility was one reason it was also used to implement the
DEC LSI-11 processor as well as the WD {Pascal

motorola 68060
Motorola 68060

A 32-bit microprocessor from Motorola, the
successor to the Motorola 68040. The 68060 is the highest
performance 680x0 family processor currently (April 1995)
available. It has 2 to 3 times the performance of the

The 68060 is probably the last development from Motorola in
the high performacnce 680x0 series. They don't want to
compete with their own PowerPC chips. The 680x0 series is
intended more for embedded systems, where it is already very
popular. New developments here seem to integrate more
peripheral functions on chip rather than increasing processing


National Semiconductor 16000
operating system/360
Operating System/360

(OS/360) An operating system developed by
IBM for their System/360 computer (announced in 1964).

After this experience, Frederick P. Brooks wrote his famous
book, The Mythical Man-Month, giving OS/360 as an example of
the second-system effect.

[Features? Relatonship to DOS/360?]

Operating System/360

(OS/360) An operating system developed by
IBM for their System/360 computer (announced in 1964).

After this experience, Frederick P. Brooks wrote his famous
book, The Mythical Man-Month, giving OS/360 as an example of
the second-system effect.

[Features? Relatonship to DOS/360?]


Structured assembly language for the IBM 360 and {IBM
370}, with a few high-level constructs. Syntactically it
resembles ALGOL 60. Its grammar is defined entirely by
operator precedence.

["PL/360, A Programming Language for the 360 Computers",
N. Wirth, J ACM 15(1):37-74 (Jan 1968)].

powerpc 601
PowerPC 601

A 32-bit RISC processor with 2.8 million
transistors (~1.2 million in the core logic) and 32 kilobytes
of on-chip cache. Die size: 118.8 mm2. Heat dissipation at
66MHz: 9W. Performance at 66MHz: integer >60 SPECint92,
floating-point >80 SPECfp92. Estimated manufacturing
cost: $76. Maximum instructions per cycle: 3. 32 32-bit
general-purpose registers. 32 64-bit floating-point
registers. Successors: PowerPC 603, 604, 620.

revised algol 60
ALGOL 60 Revised
Revised ALGOL 60

(Or "Revised ALGOL 60") A revision of Algol 60
which still lacked standard I/O.

["Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60", Peter
Naur ed, CACM 6(1):1-17 (Jan 1963)].

[Sammet 1969, p.773].

rfc 1760
RFC 1760

The RFC describing the S/KEY One-Time Password


rfc 1960
RFC 1960

The RFC defining the human-readable
format of search filters used with the {Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol}.


rfc 2060
RFC 2060

One of the RFCs describing IMAP.


risc system/6000
RISC System/6000

(Or "RS/6000") IBM's current RISC-based Unix
computer. The RS/6000, announced in 1990, replaced the
RT-PC. It runs AIX 3.x and 4.x. Most models have an
MCA bus. A wide range of models are available.

RISC System/6000

(Or "RS/6000") IBM's current RISC-based Unix
computer. The RS/6000, announced in 1990, replaced the
RT-PC. It runs AIX 3.x and 4.x. Most models have an
MCA bus. A wide range of models are available.

RISC System/6000

(Or "RS/6000") IBM's current RISC-based Unix
computer. The RS/6000, announced in 1990, replaced the
RT-PC. It runs AIX 3.x and 4.x. Most models have an
MCA bus. A wide range of models are available.

IBM 360

The generic name for the CPUs and architecture
released by IBM on 1964-04-07. The 360 was marketed as a
general purpose computer with 'all round' functionality -
hence 360 (degrees).

Models ranged from the 360/20 to the 360/65 and later the
360/95, with typical memory configurations from 16K to 1024K.

Elements of the architecture, such as the basic {instruction
set} are still in use on IBM mainframes today. Operating
System/360 (OS/360) was developed for System/360. Other
associated operating systems included DOS, OS/MFT and

The 360 architecture was based on an 8-bit byte, 16 general
purpose registers, 24-bit addressing, and a PSW (Program
Status Word) including a location counter.

Gene Amdahl, then an IBM employee, is generally acknowledged
as the 360's chief architect. He later went on to found
Amdahl Corporaton, a manufacture of PCM mainframe

The 360's predecessors were the smaller IBM 1401 and the
large IBM 7090 series. If was followed by the IBM 370.

See also ABEND, ALC, BAL, Big Red Switch, HCF, {mode
bit}, PL360, PL/S.

tcvn 6056
TCVN 6056

A 1995 Vietnamese character
standard that includes Han characters.

Basic Operating System / 360 (OS, S/360, IBM), "BOS/360"
Disk ??? Operating System / 360 (OS, IBM S/360), "DOS/360"
Operating System /360 (IBM, OS), "OS/360"
Real Time Operating System /360 (IBM, OS, S/360), "RTOS/360"
System /360 (IBM), "S/360"
Tape ??? Operating System /360 (IBM, S/360, OS), "TOS/360"

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