BDA,Bomb Damage Assessment [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
BIOS Data Area (BIOS)
Borland DAtabase (Borland, DB)
BundesDatenAutobahn [e.v] (org., ISP)
podobné slovodefinícia
- lambda
- lambda
- favored
- lambda
- favored
gum labdanum
gum labdanum, n:
Hobday,Hobday n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
labdanum, n:
lambda,lambda [mat.] [fyz.] řecké písmeno lambda
lambda hyperon
lambda hyperon, n:
lambda particle
lambda particle, n:
lambdacism, n:
NICBDAT,Nothing Is Certain But Death And Taxes [zkr.]
subdata base
subdata base, n:
Hobday,Hobdayn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
lambda,lambda[mat.] [fyz.] řecké písmeno lambda
obdarovaný,doneeadj: Zdeněk Brožobdarovaný,endowedadj: Zdeněk Brož
obdarovat,endowv: Zdeněk Brož
obdařený odkazem
obdařený odkazem,legatee Jaroslav Šedivý
obdařit,enduev: Zdeněk Brož
Abdal \Ab"dal\, n. [Ar. bad[imac]l, pl. abd[=a]l, a substitute,
a good, religious man, saint, fr. badala to change,
A religious devotee or dervish in Persia.
[1913 Webster]
Hibiscus Sabdariffa
Sorrel \Sor"rel\, n. [F. surelle, fr. sur sour, fr. OHG. s?r
sour. See Sour.] (Bot.)
One of various plants having a sour juice; especially, a
plant of the genus Rumex, as Rumex Acetosa, {Rumex
Acetosella}, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Mountain sorrel. (Bot.) See under Mountain.

Red sorrel. (Bot.)
(a) A malvaceous plant (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) whose acid
calyxes and capsules are used in the West Indies for
making tarts and acid drinks.
(b) A troublesome weed (Rumex Acetosella), also called
sheep sorrel.

Salt of sorrel (Chem.), binoxalate of potassa; -- so called
because obtained from the juice of Rumex Acetosella, or
Rumex Axetosa.

Sorrel tree (Bot.), a small ericaceous tree ({Oxydendrum
arboreum}) whose leaves resemble those of the peach and
have a sour taste. It is common along the Alleghanies.
Called also sourwood.

Wood sorrel (Bot.), any plant of the genus Oxalis.
[1913 Webster]Roselle \Ro*selle"\, n. (Bot.)
a malvaceous plant (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) cultivated in the
east and West Indies for its fleshy calyxes, which are used
for making tarts and jelly and an acid drink.
[1913 Webster]
Labdanum \Lab"da*num\, n. (Bot.)
See Ladanum.
[1913 Webster]Ladanum \Lad"a*num\, n. [L. ladanum, ledanum, Gr. la`danon,
lh`danon, fr. lh^don name of a shrub, mastic; cf. Per.
l[=a]dan, l[=a]den. Cf. Laudanum.]
A gum resin gathered from certain Oriental species of
Cistus. It has a pungent odor and is chiefly used in making
plasters, and for fumigation. [Written also labdanum.]
[1913 Webster]
Labdanum \Lab"da*num\, n. (Bot.)
See Ladanum.
[1913 Webster]Ladanum \Lad"a*num\, n. [L. ladanum, ledanum, Gr. la`danon,
lh`danon, fr. lh^don name of a shrub, mastic; cf. Per.
l[=a]dan, l[=a]den. Cf. Laudanum.]
A gum resin gathered from certain Oriental species of
Cistus. It has a pungent odor and is chiefly used in making
plasters, and for fumigation. [Written also labdanum.]
[1913 Webster]
Lambda \Lamb"da\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. la`mbda.]
1. The name of the Greek letter [Lambda], [lambda],
corresponding with the English letter L, l.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.) The point of junction of the sagittal and lambdoid
sutures of the skull.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Phys.) A subatomic particle carrying no charge, having a
mass equal to 2183 times that of an electron; it decays
rapidly, typically forming a nucleon and a pion. --MW10

Lambda moth (Zool.), a moth so called from a mark on its
wings, resembling the Greek letter lambda ([Lambda]).
[1913 Webster]
Lambda moth
Lambda \Lamb"da\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. la`mbda.]
1. The name of the Greek letter [Lambda], [lambda],
corresponding with the English letter L, l.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.) The point of junction of the sagittal and lambdoid
sutures of the skull.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Phys.) A subatomic particle carrying no charge, having a
mass equal to 2183 times that of an electron; it decays
rapidly, typically forming a nucleon and a pion. --MW10

Lambda moth (Zool.), a moth so called from a mark on its
wings, resembling the Greek letter lambda ([Lambda]).
[1913 Webster]
lambda phage
bacteriophage \bacteriophage\ n. sing. & pl.
a virus which infects bacteria; -- also colloquially called
phage in laboratory jargon.

Note: Bacteriophages are of many varieties, generally
specific for one or a narrow range of bacterial
species, and almost every bacterium is susceptible to
at least one bacteriophage. They may have DNA or RNA as
their genetic component. Certain types of
bacteriophage, called

temperate bacteriophage, may infect but not kill their host
bacteria, residing in and replicating either as a plasmid
or integrated into the host genome. Under certain
conditions, a resident temperate phage may become induced
to multiply rapidly and vegetatively, killing and lysing
its host bacterium, and producing multiple progeny. The
lambda phage of Eschericia coli, much studied in
biochemical and genetic research, is of the temperate
[PJC] bacteriophagic
Lambdacism \Lamb"da*cism\, n. [L. lambdacismus, Gr. ?, fr.
la`mbda the letter lambda ([Lambda]).]
1. A fault in speaking or in composition, which consists in
too frequent use of the letter l, or in doubling it
[1913 Webster]

2. A defect in pronunciation of the letter l when doubled,
which consists in giving it a sound as if followed by y,
similar to that of the letters lli in billion.
[1913 Webster]

3. The use of the sound of l for that of r in pronunciation;
lallation; as, Amelican for American.
[1913 Webster]
Molybdate \Mo*lyb"date\, n. (Chem.)
A salt of molybdic acid.
[1913 Webster]
abu ali al-husain ibn abdallah ibn sina
Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina
n 1: Arabian physician and influential Islamic philosopher; his
interpretation of Aristotle influenced St. Thomas Aquinas;
writings on medicine were important for almost 500 years
(980-1037) [syn: Avicenna, ibn-Sina, {Abu Ali al-Husain
ibn Abdallah ibn Sina}]
alfred habdank skarbek korzybski
Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski
n 1: United States semanticist (born in Poland) (1879-1950)
[syn: Korzybski, Alfred Korzybski, {Alfred Habdank
Skarbek Korzybski}]
gum labdanum
gum labdanum
n 1: a dark brown to greenish oleoresin that has a fragrant odor
and is used as a fixative in perfumes; obtained as a juice
from certain rockroses [syn: labdanum, gum labdanum]
hibiscus sabdariffa
Hibiscus sabdariffa
n 1: East Indian sparsely prickly annual herb or perennial
subshrub widely cultivated for its fleshy calyxes used in
tarts and jelly and for its bast fiber [syn: roselle,
rozelle, sorrel, red sorrel, Jamaica sorrel,
Hibiscus sabdariffa]
n 1: a Turkish terrorist organization that claimed
responsibility for bombing a British consulate and bank in
Istanbul; a violent opponent of Turkey's secular government
and its ties to the European Union and NATO [syn: {Islamic
Great Eastern Raiders-Front}, IBDA-C]
n 1: a dark brown to greenish oleoresin that has a fragrant odor
and is used as a fixative in perfumes; obtained as a juice
from certain rockroses [syn: labdanum, gum labdanum]
2: a soft blackish-brown resinous exudate from various rockroses
used in perfumes especially as a fixative [syn: labdanum,
n 1: the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet
2: the craniometric point at the junction of the sagittal and
lamboid sutures of the skull
lambda hyperon
lambda hyperon
n 1: an electrically neutral baryon with isotopic spin 1 [syn:
lambda particle, lambda hyperon]
lambda particle
lambda particle
n 1: an electrically neutral baryon with isotopic spin 1 [syn:
lambda particle, lambda hyperon]
n 1: speech defect involving excessive use or unusual
pronunciation of the phoneme `l'
subdata base
subdata base
n 1: a subset of data in a database that are used in a specific
trimorphodon lambda
Trimorphodon lambda
n 1: of desert regions of southwestern North America [syn:
Sonoran lyre snake, Trimorphodon lambda]
fully lazy lambda lifting
fully lazy lambda lifting

John Hughes's optimisation of lambda lifting to give {full
laziness}. Maximal free expressions are shared to minimise
the amount of recalculation. Each inner sub-expression is
replaced by a function of its maximal free expressions
(expressions not containing any bound variable) applied to
those expressions. E.g.

f = \ x . (\ y . (+) (sqrt x) y)

((+) (sqrt x)) is a maximal free expression in
(\ y . (+) (sqrt x) y) so this inner abstraction is replaced

(\ g . \ y . g y) ((+) (sqrt x))

Now, if a partial application of f is shared, the result of
evaluating (sqrt x) will also be shared rather than
re-evaluated on each application of f. As Chin notes, the
same benefit could be achieved without introducing the new
higher-order function, g, if we just extracted out (sqrt x).

This is similar to the code motion optimisation in
procedural languages where constant expressions are moved
outside a loop or procedure.

knights of the lambda-calculus
Knights of the Lambda-Calculus

A semi-mythical organisation of wizardly LISP and Scheme
hackers. The name refers to a mathematical formalism invented
by Alonzo Church, with which LISP is intimately connected.
There is no enrollment list and the criteria for induction are
unclear, but one well-known LISPer has been known to give out
buttons and, in general, the *members* know who they are.

[Jargon File]

A version of typed lambda-calculus, used to describe
semantic domains.

["Outline of a Mathematical Theory of Computation",
D.S. Scott, TM PRG-2, PRG, Oxford U, 1971].
lambda abstraction
lambda abstraction

A term in lambda-calculus denoting a function. A lambda
abstraction begins with a lower-case lambda (represented as
"\" in this document), followed by a variable name (the "bound
variable"), a full stop and a lambda expression (the body).
The body is taken to extend as far to the right as possible
so, for example an expression,

\ x . \ y . x+y

is read as

\ x . (\ y . x+y).

A nested abstraction such as this is often abbreviated to:

\ x y . x + y

The lambda expression (\ v . E) denotes a function which takes
an argument and returns the term E with all free occurrences
of v replaced by the actual argument. Application is
represented by juxtaposition so

(\ x . x) 42

represents the identity function applied to the constant 42.

A lambda abstraction in Lisp is written as the symbol
lambda, a list of zero or more variable names and a list of
zero or more terms, e.g.

(lambda (x y) (plus x y))

Lambda expressions in Haskell are written as a backslash,
"\", one or more patterns (e.g. variable names), "->" and an
expression, e.g. \ x -> x.

lambda expression
lambda expression

A term in the lambda-calculus denoting an
unnamed function (a "lambda abstraction"), a variable or a
constant. The pure lambda-calculus has only functions and
no constants.

lambda lifting
lambda lifting

A program transformation to remove free variables. An
expression containing a free variable is replaced by a
function applied to that variable. E.g.

f x = g 3 where g y = y + x

x is a free variable of g so it is added as an extra argument:

f x = g 3 x where g y x = y + x

Functions like this with no free variables are known as
supercombinators and are traditionally given upper-case names
beginning with "$". This transformation tends to produce many
supercombinators of the form f x = g x which can be eliminated
by eta reduction and substitution. Changing the order of
the parameters may also allow more optimisations. References
to global (top-level) constants and functions are not
transformed to function parameters though they are technically
free variables.

A closely related technique is closure conversion. See also
Full laziness.
lambda prolog
Lambda Prolog

An extension of standard Prolog defined by Dale
A. Miller and Gopalan Nadathur in 1986, in which terms are
strongly typed lambda terms. Clauses are higher order
hereditary Harrop formulas. The main novelties are
universal quantification on goals and implication.

The Prolog/Mali compiler compiles Lambda Prolog for the
MALI abstract memory system.

Teyjus ( is an implementation of
Lambda Prolog.

Lambda Prolog home (

Mailing list:

["Higher-order logic programming", Miller D.A. and Nadathur
G., 3rd International Conference on Logic Programming, pp
448-462, London 1986].

[Nadathur G. "A Higher-Order Logic as a Basis for Logic
Programming", Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1987].


(Normally written with a Greek letter lambda).
A branch of mathematical logic developed by Alonzo Church in
the late 1930s and early 1940s, dealing with the application
of functions to their arguments. The pure lambda-calculus
contains no constants - neither numbers nor mathematical
functions such as plus - and is untyped. It consists only of
lambda abstractions (functions), variables and applications
of one function to another. All entities must therefore be
represented as functions. For example, the natural number N
can be represented as the function which applies its first
argument to its second N times (Church integer N).

Church invented lambda-calculus in order to set up a
foundational project restricting mathematics to quantities
with "effective procedures". Unfortunately, the resulting
system admits Russell's paradox in a particularly nasty way;
Church couldn't see any way to get rid of it, and gave the
project up.

Most functional programming languages are equivalent to
lambda-calculus extended with constants and types. Lisp
uses a variant of lambda notation for defining functions but
only its purely functional subset is really equivalent to

See reduction.


The most frequently used server software for
running a MOO and also the nerve-center (of sorts) of the
MOO community.


Telnet (telnet://

polymorphic lambda-calculus
polymorphic lambda-calculus
System F

(Or "second order typed lambda-calculus",
"System F", "Lambda-2"). An extension of {typed
lambda-calculus} allowing functions which take types as
parameters. E.g. the polymorphic function "twice" may be

twice = /\ t . \ (f :: t -> t) . \ (x :: t) . f (f x)

(where "/\" is an upper case Greek lambda and "(v :: T)" is
usually written as v with subscript T). The parameter t will
be bound to the type to which twice is applied, e.g.:

twice Int

takes and returns a function of type Int -> Int. (Actual type
arguments are often written in square brackets [ ]). Function
twice itself has a higher type:

twice :: Delta t . (t -> t) -> (t -> t)

(where Delta is an upper case Greek delta). Thus /\
introduces an object which is a function of a type and Delta
introduces a type which is a function of a type.

Polymorphic lambda-calculus was invented by Jean-Yves Girard
in 1971 and independently by John C. Reynolds in 1974.

["Proofs and Types", J-Y. Girard, Cambridge U Press 1989].


essentially the first-order predicate calculus
superposed upon the simply-typed {polymorphic
lambda-calculus}. PPLambda is the object language for

["Logic and Computation: Interactive Proof with Cambridge
LCF", L. Paulson, Cambridge U Press, 1987].

pure lambda-calculus
pure lambda-calculus

Lambda-calculus with no constants, only functions expressed
as lambda abstractions.


A LISP by Richard Gabriel and John McCarthy.

["Queue-based Multi-processing Lisp", R. Gabriel &
J. McCarthy, Proc 1984 Symp Lisp and Functional Prog,
pp. 25-44].

second-order lambda-calculus
Second-Order Lambda-calculus

(SOL) A typed lambda-calculus.

["Abstract Types have Existential Type", J. Mitchell et al,
12th POPL, ACM 1985, pp. 37-51].


Sugared lambda-calculus(?).
typed lambda-calculus
typed lambda-calculus

(TLC) A variety of lambda-calculus in which every
term is labelled with a type.

A function application (A B) is only synctactically valid if
A has type s --> t, where the type of B is s (or an instance
or s in a polymorphic language) and t is any type.

If the types allowed for terms are restricted, e.g. to
Hindley-Milner types then no term may be applied to itself,
thus avoiding one kind of non-terminating evaluation.

Most functional programming languages, e.g. Haskell, ML,
are closely based on variants of the typed lambda-calculus.

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning

(WebDAV) An extension of the {Hypertext Transfer
Protocol} (HTTP) that allows clients to perform remote web
content authoring operations such as creating, editing or
moving documents.

knights of the lambda calculus
Knights of the Lambda Calculus

A semi-mythical organization of wizardly LISP and Scheme hackers. The name
refers to a mathematical formalism invented by Alonzo Church, with which
LISP is intimately connected. There is no enrollment list and the criteria
for induction are unclear, but one well-known LISPer has been known to give
out buttons and, in general, the members know who they are....
Basic Direct Access Method (DAM)
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WWW, HTTP, RFC 2518),

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